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  • My most famous, world wide, known work is a comic books called; DRAGON HEAT. I remember rushing through it so the anatomy of the dragon-human hybrids (based on my tribe's legends) was off to an embarrassing degree. No one else seemed to care. For the 15th anniversary of the creation of the series, I was going to make repairs to the book's original artwork (which consisted of hundreds of panels painted in full color acrylic paint). I dropped that idea and decided it would be easier to do a remake and remake and redesign the characters to make them as realistic as possible, how they might have actually appeared if one was to meet one. Unfortunately, this requires funding which was not forth coming. DRAGON HEAT was illegally posted to many forums and I am am world known for being an asshole for not wanting my pay for art posted at a site where they can be downloaded for free. I was attacked a great deal for actually wanting to make a living off my art.
    Here I have the original rendering of the main character; Neried, an updated version (which was made for a t-shirt and made into a wearable,resin pin, and a revised, more realistic version. There may be another version should I be able to fund the remake. I also need to raise the funds to acquire a new, high volume printer, to print copies that will be signed and numbered.
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