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  • "Glass Diva 2"
    Acrylic Paint, Colored Pencils and Ink
    11 X 17 Mixed Media Paper
    Copyright 2016 Erik Stitt
    Original for sale: $800 US. PM me if interested.
    Prints available on my website in my Print Shop.

    The second of my new Glass Diva Series complete. Now, I know the first one was nice and all and the technique was good, but let's be honest, she was too small on the page and just basically stood there looking.............blue. There was no movement, no kablam, no pop, no power..........*snore*

    THIS, is more what I had in mind when I wanted to do Pinups of Glass. Expect the rest to have this same look and feel. I am quite satisfied with this and she is my best pinup in two years, imho. Furthermore, this was an absolute BLAST to do!

    I will be taking the next week off as my Daughter is arriving from California tomorrow and I haven't seen her in over a year so, every precious minute counts! Until then, PLEASE, go raid my Print Shop or Join my Patreon Page so that I can justify to my poor Fiancee the reason I'm spending money on yet again, more art supplies.

    Thanks Y'all!


    ‪#‎pinup‬ ‪#‎pinupart‬ ‪#‎pinupgirl‬ ‪#‎sorayama‬ ‪#‎hajimesorayama‬ ‪#‎glassdiva‬ ‪#‎scifiart‬ ‪#‎fantasygirl‬ ‪#‎erikstittart‬ ‪#‎theartoferikstitt‬
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